
Sound Designer.
Also, I love ramen.

"Professionally curious about all things related to sound."
– A quote most humbly reworded by Austin Wintory.

Hello there and welcome!
I'm Chaz (aka "Hozach"), a composer and sound designer for visual media. I've composed and sound designed video game soundtracks, short films, commercials, visual audiobooks, and more.Thanks for visiting my "business card". I certainly hope you like what you hear!
(^ ^)
Feel free to reach me at any other my social accounts and expect a response for business inquiries and rates within 48 hours.

Thank you!

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About Me

Chaz O. is a composer and sound designer for various forms of media. From animated short films to visual novels she curates a musical and dynamic experience that is engrossing and engaging. Her focus is creating tracks and soundscapes that ooze personality and emotional content while delivering excellent production quality.As a distinguished graduate from the Berklee College of Music in the study of Music Composition for Film, Music, and TV, Chaz takes a classical approach to hybrid ideas. Studying under the notable tutelage of Jazz Educator, Composer, and Performer Rick McLaughlin, World Music and Orchestration Educator and Composer Phillip Sheeran, Film and Television Orchestrator, Conductor, and Composer Ben Newhouse, and Sound Designer and Video Game Composer Michael Sweet, Chaz has gained an invaluable and varied set of tools and insights into music and sound design.As a classically trained pianist she is well-informed in the expression needed to bring any soundtrack to life. As a fan of films, video games, manga/anime, and comic books she's developed her own methods to make your project memorable.


Scream Jam 2022+1 - Ranked 2nd in Audio Category
Liminal Game Jam - Ranked 2nd in Audio Category
GBJam 11 - Ranked in top 10% in Audio/Sound Design Category

Berklee College of Music Class of 2023
Graduated Summa Cum Laude for Music Composition for Film, TV, and Video Games